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What is Power of President & Vice President

The president is the head of the state and the chief executive of the nation. He or she is elected indirectly by an electoral college consisting of elected members of the parliament and the state legislatures. As the head of the executive branch, the President carries out the laws passed by Congress. Imagine them as the conductor of a complex orchestra, directing the various government departments and agencies to work together harmoniously. From foreign policy to environmental regulations, the President’s decisions impact every aspect of our lives.

President Powers:

Executive Power: The President has the authority to make laws through executive orders and proclamations. These orders direct federal agencies and departments to carry out specific tasks or implement policies.

Legislative powers: The president summons and prorogues the sessions of the parliament, dissolves the Lok Sabha, addresses the first session of the parliament after each general election and the first session of each year, and can send messages to the houses.

The president also gives assent to the bills passed by the parliament, promulgates ordinances when the parliament is not in session and can call for a joint sitting of the two houses in case of a deadlock. The president also nominates 12 members to the Rajya Sabha and two Anglo-Indian members to the Lok Sabha.

Foreign Policy: The President has the power to conduct diplomacy with foreign countries, negotiate international agreements, and declare war. The President is also the commander in chief of the armed forces.

Judicial Appointments: The President nominates and appoints federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Military powers: The president is the supreme commander of the defense forces of India, and can declare war or peace, subject to the approval of the parliament. The president also appoints the chiefs of the army, navy, and air force.

Emergency Powers: The President has the authority to declare a national emergency, which gives him extraordinary powers to address threats or crises.

Financial powers: The president causes the budget to be laid before the parliament, recommends the money bills and other financial bills, and appoints the finance commission every five years to recommend the distribution of revenues between the center and the states.

The Vice President:

The vice president serves as the second-highest-ranking official and plays a unique role in the government. He or she is elected indirectly by an electoral college consisting of the members of both houses of the parliament.

While the Vice President’s role may vary depending on the President’s preferences and the nature of the administration, some key responsibilities include:

The vice president can be removed from office by a resolution of the Rajya Sabha, passed by an effective majority, and agreed to by the Lok Sabha.

The vice president can also resign from office by addressing his or her resignation to the president. If the President is unable to perform their duties, the Vice President assumes the role of Acting President.

The Vice President represents the President at official functions and represents the United States in official meetings, such as the United Nations General Assembly.

The vice president acts as the president when the latter is absent, or when the office of the president falls vacant due to death, resignation, impeachment, or otherwise. The vice president can act as the president for a maximum period of six months, within which a new president has to be elected.

The Vice President provides the President with advice, guidance, and support on policy issues.

Conclusion – As we all know, the President and Vice President, as key figures in governance, can leverage platforms like the Digital India Portal and Digital Seva Portal to enhance their roles and powers. These portals, under the Digital India initiative, can help them reach out to citizens, ensure transparency, and expedite services. Thus, digital platforms can significantly augment the effectiveness of their roles in the digital era.

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